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How to target customers with no orders in email campaigns

E-commerce experts usually split customers in 3 big groups: customers who buy something, customers who just browse, customers who already forgot about you. In this post will cover last group of customers and i'll show you how to do customers segmentation to reach them using email campaign. [...]

How to move out of stock products at the end of results list

Since we started to provide TTFB and CRO optimization services, we saw a lot of stores with all kind of issue. Many of them are easy to fix but store owners decide to ignore it. Here's one of this issues: showing out of stock products at the top of category page. [...]

Why OpenCart SEO URL is slowing down your page speed ... and how to FIX it

SEO URL is a must have thing for any (OpenCart) store who plan to grow. Like most of e-commerce frameworks, OpenCart offer support for SEO URL and it's really simple to enable it. [...]

42 tricks to make your price seem lower

Your pricing strategy can be the key to boosting sales. And the human psyche is easy to manipulate. So how can you use psychology to boost your sales? [...]

Showing 1 to 4 of 6 (2 Pages)