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We are more sensitive at the lowest price or the biggest discount?

Use the Special Deal - Groupon Style extension to display to your site the discount campagin. A promotion campaign is good only if it is empathic with the real needs of customers. [...]

Get your customers closer than ever

…or how to gain your customers' loyalty. Companies throughout the world are now utilizing loyalty programs more often than ever before. These organizations understand the importance of retaining existing customers and choose to implement a system directed specifically at building customer loyalty. [...]

You added a new product in the store. Who notifies your friends on Facebook?

How do you announce your friends on Facebook when you added a new product in the store? Do you want to be more efficient? Be efficient and share automatically on Facebook when adding or editing a product. [...]

OpenCart Facebook Login enhances the trust given by a customer of an online store

Facebook Login enhances the trust given by a customer of an online store. Most of the discussions about Facebook Login are reduced at the discretion and convenience of the users. Instead, when people with some SEO experience participate, the discussion is also focused on the importance of trust granted by a person to an online store. [...]

Showing 13 to 16 of 24 (6 Pages)