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Win 3 OpenCart extensions

Why should you read this? Because you want 3 OpenCart extensions for free. You have a budget for OpenCart extensions, but... why pay when you can have them free of charge? We have anticipated your wish to look for the best OpenCart offer for Black Friday 2015 and we've come to greet you. [...]

Open up your ecommerce business with OpenCart

Let's use our imagination for a bit and say that "e-commerce" stands for "emotional commerce". And let's talk about customers and their emotions. Keep the golden rule in mind: Buying decisions are made on an emotional basis. [...]

OpenCart tips for Black Friday

Before I got myself involved in a Black Friday project for the first time, I had a lot of preconceived ideas on how to increase sales during those hours. I took most of them in hand, with the beginner’s puerility, from all kind of lists based on tips from people who have never registered an online sale in their life. Meanwhile, I’ve learned how to differentiate them from those who provide tips based on their own experience. Do you want 3 OpenCart extensions on Black Friday for FREE? [...]

10 Reasons to sell on Facebook with OpenCart

Shortly after I started to get involved in online commerce, I understood that the pace at which it evolves is more alert than in offline trade and that success depends on the ability to adapt to the new expectations of customers. In some cases, these expectations are caused. In others, are anticipated. In most cases, are seen at competitors. But, even when we encounter the first competition, it is desirable that our decisions be more effective than theirs. A topical example is the Facebook Store section. Thanks to it, Facebook Page switched from a loyalty & communication channel to a new e-commerce support. How do you want to use this section? You want to be better than the competition? [...]

Showing 21 to 24 of 24 (6 Pages)