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FREE Design Idea for your OpenCart Store

When you’re selling online, you want to make sure that your website represents who you are and what you do. After all, it’s your chance to make an impression on your customers. And if you do it right, you can make a lasting one. [...]

Why OpenCart SEO URL is slowing down your page speed ... and how to FIX it

SEO URL is a must have thing for any (OpenCart) store who plan to grow. Like most of e-commerce frameworks, OpenCart offer support for SEO URL and it's really simple to enable it. [...]

42 tricks to make your price seem lower

Your pricing strategy can be the key to boosting sales. And the human psyche is easy to manipulate. So how can you use psychology to boost your sales? [...]

How to Protect Admin Folder with .htaccess

At times, you may find it best practice to password protect a folder on your account. This can add an extra layer of protection to files you do not want the general public to have access to. Password protecting a directory can be easily accomplished using the option within cPanel. In this (short) guide, you can learn how to add and remove password protection on a directory, using cPanel. [...]

Showing 5 to 8 of 24 (6 Pages)